Juan Cruz and Tomas Talia are the executive directors of Cia
Brokers Talia SA, the developer of this project. Both are
currently residing in the United States, they are real estate
developers with 15 years of experience primarily in the
markets of Argentina and the USA. "We decided to undertake
this project out of love for the property which has been in
the family for many years and where we spent a large part of
our childhood and adolescence. At the same time, San Antonio
de Areco is our place in the world. Here we have our friends,
here we lived for many years, and here we will always return.
We both have a strong connection to customs and the equestrian
culture. We are originally from Corrientes and we have spent a
lot of time in the countryside. San Antonio de Areco is the
birthplace of everything we love so much.
In terms
of real estate, Areco has the conditions that every developer
seeks. It is located 30 minutes from Pilar and 1 hour from
Buenos Aires, at the beginning of the highly productive
agricultural-industrial region, an undisputed driving force in
the country. El Tropezón is undoubtedly our favourite
development. We live and breathe it every day. It is our home.
Our father planted the trees there over 30 years ago, we grew
up there and it is the place we wish for our children. As we
mentioned before, it is the closest area to Buenos Aires
within the core region of the country. The
agricultural-industrial sector is the true driving force of
the Argentine economy, and Areco is the preferred place of
residence for this sector."
"We are Correntinos, born and raised. We have spent a lot of time in the countryside, and San Antonio de Areco is the birthplace of everything that we hold dear"
"El Tropezón is undoubtedly our favorite development. We live and breathe it every day. It is our home"
"San Antonio de Areco is our place in the world. Our friends are here. It is also where we have lived for many years, and it is the place we will always return to"